

站在小屋的窗前,眺望這片開闊的后花園,迎面撲來(lái)一陣一陣的花香,清新而又自然,微風(fēng)拂面,體感清爽;前味薰衣草有種超脫自然的純潔,仿佛置身于普羅旺斯薰衣草園中,可以貪婪的索取大地原始的清新氣息。Standing at the window, overlooking this piece of open garden, blew on a burst of fragrance, fresh and na

  • 型號(hào): 麗思卡爾頓



Standing at the window, overlooking this piece of open garden, blew on a burst of fragrance, fresh and natural, the breeze,body feeling fresh; before the taste lavender has a kind of detached natural pure, as if exposure to Provence lavender garden, be greedy geobased fresh breath.

【前味/Top Notes】

薰衣草、橘子、綠色植物/Lavender, orange, green plants

【中味/Middle Notes】

羅勒、天竺葵、茉莉、鼠尾草/Rolle, sage, geranium, Jasmine

【後味/Base Notes】

花梨木、檀香、紅木、琥珀/Rosewood, rosewood, sandalwood, amber